Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Brasil photos

Yikes this blogging thing can be addictive! Thought I'd post a few photos of my trip to Brazil last month, while I'm still trying to learn how the whole blogging thing works. The trip was AWESOME, though ridiculous short. 5 jam packed days in Brasilia for the conference - plenary talks at 8 am, local entertainment every night until 1 or 2 am. Then 5 days travelling to a National Park a few hours North of Brasilia, with some fun Canadians from Acadia University. Amazingly, my Portuguese came back pretty fast - the first day I could barely remember hello but on my way to the airport when I left I actually carried on a conversation with the taxi driver. (Granted, the conversation was about Bush so I didn't need to know many words to express my opinion on that topic). Anyhow, I look forward to a day when I don't have this thing called a thesis hanging over me and can spend more time there, I really do love that country. Here's a select few pictures...

Happy Birthday Grampa! Sorry to hear you only get grapes for decoration on your vanilla cake.

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