Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cutthroat classic

Super fun trail race. It was SO beautiful!
Audrey is photo #54, I'm #70

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The day job

I always wanted to be, and still want to be, a national geographic photographer when i grow up. This may be as close as i ever get...

Sunday, July 05, 2009


i celebrated my 36th by climbing Mt. Rainier with a few friends from the spring mountaineering class - Dave, Jill and Holli. We totally lucked out with a great weather window. Glad I did it - but it's a LONG slog, and crowded and honestly - there's smaller but way more fun climbs right here in the North Cascades. After Baker and Rainier, I'm feeling pretty lucky and am looking forward now to spending some time at home with the dog, and going paddling... (although Mt. Adams was looking pretty cool the other day... the mountains are addictive!)

Sunday, June 07, 2009


The best sunrise

June 7, just shy of the Baker summit (10,700) at 515 am.

1st trip 'home'

great visit to fairbanks for the gizzilo wedding. really nice to see you all. i realize no matter where I live, Alaska will be 'home' for a long time.

lots of quality time (aka birth control) with the 2 year olds - this is anna, kristen and ned's.

especially wonderful to see Carolyn and George.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just a few more...

because really, who else has this in their backyard?

Did I mention April is a great time to visit?

Baker or Bust!

I'm taking a 10 week mountaineering class through the Skagit Alpine Club - great group of folks. A 3 hour class every week and an outing every weekend (mostly overnights) culminating with climbing Mt Baker the last week. It's been great so far, tho I gotta say the 5 am Saturday morning starts are killing me.


dandelions and tulips dominate the backyard, wish i could say the tulips were winning in the incredible, but long neglected, garden. first project has been removing all invasive species, without roundup.
my favorite - the view out the kitchen window on a foggy morning.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


a few random photos from a GREAT week in Mexico...

the feet just kill me, how ridiculous.


I know they are everywhere, but still I just can't help myself from taking way too many pelican photos.
this guy was a total poser for the camera.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

kitchen windowsill

all the other bloggers are posting photos of snow and more snow making me insanely jealous... so here's some greenery to make you all jealousy... i'm off to a week in Mexico!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

40 years!!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! I am the proud daughter of parents that have stuck together for 40 years, a rarity these days. love you guys, j.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the winter commute

biking though the farm fields to work, lots of swans these days and the daffodils are just starting to poke out. in another month or so this place will be bombarded with people from all over the world biking and driving through these tulip, daffodil and iris fields. and this is my daily commute. i love my job, i love this commute. check back in a few months for more photos, i can't wait to see it myself.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is the name of this weather system where wet pacific air gets sucked up and dumped on western washington for days on end. It's a bit more than normal this round and most of the area is in a state of emergency. More than 60 major highways are closed, ALL roads to eastern washington are closed.. it's craziness. at least it's 85 degrees warmer than fairbanks! the backyard, glad i don't have a basement.
why is the neighbor's yard perfectly dry and mine totally saturated?
the ditch on the edge of my yard. this morning there were pintails, mallards, and gulls <100 yards from my kitchen window.
my boss' mother-n-law took this photo off her front porch, just south of here.