Sunday, August 26, 2007

harvest and migrate

Changing of the seasons here. You wouldn't know it by the weather, but the geese and cranes flying overhead in huge flocks these days make it a hard reality to ignore. I don't think I've ever lived anywhere that the seasonal shift is subtle, but Fairbanks definitely has the loudest seasonal changes of anywhere I've lived. As I enjoy yet another day biking around in shorts and a tank top, i wonder what the birds know that we don't. Generally, migration is the best predictor of an upcoming change in the weather, better than the weathermen at least.
the final score. moose: all the peas and kale. julie: tons of carrots, herbs for pestos and winter teas, and lots of green tomotoes.
looking through the scope at Creamer's field.

1 comment:

patcaribou said...

those carrots look delicious