Saturday, July 21, 2007


Just back from the annual trek to Chitina to dipnet on the Copper River. I went with my friend Kyle who managed to squeeze in the quick trip 4 days before he leaves for his wedding! So we didn't have much time... left Thurs. after work and got home 3 in the morning on Friday - 12 hours of driving and 12 hours of fishing packed in that time! Fishing was slow, and challenging with really high water - as always a shit load of hard work. but it was a gorgeous day to be on the copper and in the end we managed to pull out enough fish to keep us from going hungry this winter...

best line of the day - when Kyle said "This is SO Alaska", not sure you non-Alaskans can appreciate that sentiment, but it is just... SO Alaskan!

we both landed huge kings! kyle broke his net in the process, and my king somehow broke the carabiner it was attached to and float away - very upsetting.

dinner at home only 24 hours after the last fish was caught!
the lettuce and nasturiums are from my garden, the tomatoes from BC, and my favorite mexican summer beer. - I'm (still) reading - The Omnivores Dilemma, great book, point is we rarely have the privilege of knowing where our food comes from.


Eero said...

My husband was just in Chitina, too, and his 'big one that got away' was a massive king that just flopped out of his net. Still, we are LOADED with fish. Do you smoke them? I want fav salmon.
See you Tues!

Eero said...

Linked you on my blog---pic of you, also.

See you next Wed---Sara and Amanda join us too, hopefully.